Diese zeigt auch, wie etabliert Sängerin Fylgja mittlerweile bei VARG ist, die den neuen Song folgendermaßen kommentiert: "’Immer Treu’ is a song that stands for many things. For fortitude, strength and loyalty. But it also underlines that hate, based on different views like for example in terms of religion, is absolutely bad and senseless. In the end we are all the same and should accept and respect each other. It stands for the freedom to be what we want to be."
Freki fügt hinzu: "“Ewige Wacht“ is both our most emotional and strongest album. It is a journey through Nordic mythology that tells of old stories and the protection and preservation of the flame of our ancestors. Traditions and values like family, fortitude and desire are like a common thread running through the entire record. Uncompromising harshness meets epic and sustaining melodies. Authentically raw production and yet more powerful and mighty than ever. This album will pierce the hearts of our fans, because it comes deeply from ours.”
Live bekommt ihr die Band in nächster Zeit hier zu sehen:
24.-26.08.23 DE – Eisfeld / Wolfszeit Festival (only festival show this year + special set)
Wolfsfest Tour
w/ Nachtblut & Sagenbringer
07.10.23 DE – Erfurt / From Hell
20.10.23 DE – Frankfurt / Batschkapp
21.10.23 DE – Bochum / Matrix
27.10.23 DE – Nuremberg / Hirsch
28.10.23 DE – Munich / Backstage Werk
10.11.23 DE – Stuttgart / LKA Longhorn
17.11.23 DE – Berlin / ORWOhaus
18.11.23 DE – Leipzig / Hellraiser
24.11.23 CH – Pratteln / Z7
25.11.23 AT – Vienna / SimmCity