Mit den Niederländern Epica ziert eine für das Legacy eher ungewöhnliche Band das Cover unserer Ausgabe #130, bei näherem Hinsehen und -hören jedoch bemerkt das geneigte Ohr schnell, auf welch brutalem Fundament das neueste Werk “Omega” erbaut ist. Growler/Gitarrist Mark Jansen und Sängerin Simone Simons sind die Reiseführer durch ein einzigartiges musikalisches und konzeptionelles Universum. Harakiri For The Sky stehen Rede und Antwort zu Irrungen, Wirrungen und dem neuen Album “Mære”, Asphyx-Fronter Martin van Drunen philosophiert zwischen Cannabis, Botox und Kriegsverbrechen, während die im wörtlichsten aller Sinne wiederauferstandenen B.D.S.M. Ohren, Hirne und Tabus brechen. Außerdem: Alan Averill zur Alchemie hinter Dread Sovereign, Videospiel-Soundtracks mit Wardruna u.v.m.
1. EXKLUSIVE EPICA-CD mit 5 Tracks
2. LEGACY-COMPILATION mit 15 Tracks: Grand Cadaver, Massen, Beaten To Death, Burn Down Eden, Constraint, Lunatic Dictator, JohnRose, King Mothra, Necrotombs, Gevatter Tod, Disminded, Tru’nembra, SystemHouse 33, Virus 41, The Chairwalkers
STUDIOREPORTE: Memoriam, Empyrium, Thronehammer
POSTER: Benediction, Empyrium, Moonspell, Black & Damned
Zusätzlich zu den Titel- und Band-Features der CDs gibt es Interviews mit: Accept, Asmodina, Bhleg, Black & Damned, Bròn, Concede, Crawling Chaos, Dark Psychosis, Dead End Tragedy, Demon Head, Demoniac, Descend To Archeron, Ektomorf, Endezzma, FireForce, Frozen Soul, Hell-Born, Holy Mother, Human Fortress, Hyrgal, Korpiklaani, Lake Of Tears, Les Chants De Nihil, Manntra, Massen, MSG, Nervosa, Nihilo, Odem, Odium Humani Generis, Pequod, Phase Reverse, Satanize, Sirenia, Soen, Speedkiller, Storm Seeker, Taur-im-Duinath, The Amenta, Therion, Transilvania, Tribulation, Tvinna, Wardruna, Warpath, Wizard
Dutch symphonic metallers Epica might seem like a quite unusual choice for Legacy to grace the cover of our issue #130, but with a little bit of close examination one immediately notices what brutal fundamentals the new album “Omega” is based upon. Growler/guitarist Mark Jansen and singer Simone Simons are our navigators on a journey through their unique musical and conceptional universe. Harakiri For The Sky go into detail with happenings on and around their new album “Mære”, Asphyx frontman Martin van Drunen elaborates on Cannabis, Botox and war crimes while the literally resurrected B.D.S.M. break skulls, ears and taboos. On top of that: Alan Averill on the alchemy behind Dread Sovereign, video game soundtracks with Wardruna and lots more.
1. EXCLUSIVE EPICA CD mit 5 Tracks
2. LEGACY-COMPILATION with 15 tracks: Grand Cadaver, Massen, Beaten To Death, Burn Down Eden, Constraint, Lunatic Dictator, JohnRose, King Mothra, Necrotombs, Gevatter Tod, Disminded, Tru’nembra, SystemHouse 33, Virus 41, The Chairwalkers
STUDIO REPORTS: Memoriam, Empyrium, Thronehammer
POSTERS: Benediction, Empyrium, Moonspell, Black & Damne
In addition to the title stories and bands featured on the CDs we have further interviews with: Accept, Asmodina, Bhleg, Black & Damned, Bròn, Concede, Crawling Chaos, Dark Psychosis, Dead End Tragedy, Demon Head, Demoniac, Descend To Archeron, Ektomorf, Endezzma, FireForce, Frozen Soul, Hell-Born, Holy Mother, Human Fortress, Hyrgal, Korpiklaani, Lake Of Tears, Les Chants De Nihil, Manntra, Massen, MSG, Nervosa, Nihilo, Odem, Odium Humani Generis, Pequod, Phase Reverse, Satanize, Sirenia, Soen, Speedkiller, Storm Seeker, Taur-im-Duinath, The Amenta, Therion, Transilvania, Tribulation, Tvinna, Wardruna, Warpath, Wizard