Die neue Sodom-Viererbesetzung schlägt noch vor dem kommenden Album mit einer zweiten mörderischen EP zurück: „Out Of The Frontline Trench“. Wir lassen alle aktuellen Musiker der Essener Thrash-Legende ausgiebig in Einzel-Interviews zu Wort kommen und spendieren zudem eine weitere MCD mit einem neuen Song plus vier teilweise erstmals auf CD erhältlichen Band-Raritäten. Unsere Co-Titelhelden Dawn Of Disease eröffnen dafür die Heft-Compilation mit einem neuen Song und haben auch ein Poster am Start. Intensiver, melodischer Death Metal – made in Germany!
4 Poster: Dawn Of Disease, Slayer, Alcest & Legacy-Kalender 2020
1. SODOM „Chosen By The Grace Of God“ mit 5 Songs: ‘Down On Your Knees’ von der aktuellen „Out Of The Frontline Trench“-EP, das nur auf einem gemischten Sampler veröffentlichte Sacrilege-Cover ‘Lifeline’, eine Live-Version von ‘One Step Over The Line’ (2018), der Vinyl-Bonustrack des letzten Albums (‘Predatory Instinct’) und das bislang nur auf einer Split-Vinylsingle erhältliche ‘Inside My Crosshairs’.
2. LEGACY-COMPILATION mit 19 Tracks: Dawn Of Disease, Revel In Flesh, Noctem, Corroding Sun, Body Harvest, Lost Society, Red Stone Chapel, Dust & Bones, Akando, Forged In Black, Dreams In Fragments, Steingrab, Lone Gunmen, King Satan, Under The Pledge Of Secrecy, Froststarr, Nepumuc, Richtwerk, Greyvity
STUDIOREPORTE: Anvil, Blaze Of Perdition, Midnight
Zusätzlich zu den Titel- und Band-Features der CD-Compilation gibt es Interviews mit:
A Permanent Shadow, Aesmah, Agnostic Front, Amber Asylum/Völur, Andralls, Angel Witch, Armored Dawn, Asphodèle, Avatarium, Avslut, Blind Guardian, Blood Incantation, Bombus, Call Of Charon, Cathubodua, Cattle Decapitation, Come Back From The Dead, Crisix, Cryptic Blood, Crystal Viper, Cyhra, Deaf Rat, Debauchery, Despised Icon, Dissorted, Dream State, Edenbridge, Eluveitie, Erik Cohen, Eskimo Callboy, Exmortus, Fen, Fit For An Autopsy, Fleshcrawl, Goatess, Grailknights, Haystack, Hideous Divinity, Horrocious, Hour Of Penance, Imperial Jade, In Sanity, Isenordal, Jade, Krater, Kublai Khan, Lord Mantis, Lost Society, Magic Kingdom, Maladie, Mass Worship, Mayhem, Metalite, Milking The Goatmachine, Mir zur Feier, Misery Loves Co., Mosaic, Nile, Norma Jean, Novembers Doom, Offdrykkja, Parental Advisory, Pénitence Onirique, Phil Campbell, Psychopunch, Ragnarok, Red Death, Reincarnage, Rottendawn, Santa Cruz, Schammasch, Søren Andersen, Strigoi, Suidakra, Sun Of The Dying, Tchornobog/Drown/Aureole, The Deathtrip, The Devil Wars Prada, The End A.D., Thousand Below, Turbokill, Une Misère, Uzziel, Vacivus, Vampyromorpha, Velvet Viper, Violation Wound, Warsenal, Wolf Yaw, Year Of The Cobra
Once more Sodom strike back with a new EP, showcasing the power of their new line up as a four piece. Every current musician in the ranks of the Thrash veterans from Essen is featured with an individual interview. Additionally we offer an exclusive MCD with one new song plus four rarities from the band archives, some of them available on CD format for the first time. Our newest mixed compilation features the co title heroes Dawn Of Disease as openers, plus we have a poster of them on board as well. Intense melodic Death Metal – made in Germany!
4 Posters: Dawn Of Disease, Slayer, Alcest & Legacy-Kalender 2020
1. SODOM “Chosen By The Grace Of God” with 5 Songs: ‘Down On Your Knees’ from the current “Out Of The Frontline Trench”-EP, the Sacrilege-Cover ‘Lifeline’ (formerly an exclusive sampler track), a live version of ‘One Step Over The Line’ (2018), the vinyl-bonus track of the previous album (‘Predatory Instinct’) and ‘Inside My Crosshairs’ from a so far exclusive vinyl split single.
2. LEGACY-COMPILATION with 19 tracks: Dawn Of Disease, Revel In Flesh, Noctem, Corroding Sun, Body Harvest, Lost Society, Red Stone Chapel, Dust & Bones, Akando, Forged In Black, Dreams In Fragments, Steingrab, Lone Gunmen, King Satan, Under The Pledge Of Secrecy, Froststarr, Nepumuc, Richtwerk, Greyvity
STUDIO REPORTS: Anvil, Blaze Of Perdition, Midnight
Additionally to the title stories and bands featured on the compilation CD we have further interviews with:
A Permanent Shadow, Aesmah, Agnostic Front, Amber Asylum/Völur, Andralls, Angel Witch, Armored Dawn, Asphodèle, Avatarium, Avslut, Blind Guardian, Blood Incantation, Bombus, Call Of Charon, Cathubodua, Cattle Decapitation, Come Back From The Dead, Crisix, Cryptic Blood, Crystal Viper, Cyhra, Deaf Rat, Debauchery, Despised Icon, Dissorted, Dream State, Edenbridge, Eluveitie, Erik Cohen, Eskimo Callboy, Exmortus, Fen, Fit For An Autopsy, Fleshcrawl, Goatess, Grailknights, Haystack, Hideous Divinity, Horrocious, Hour Of Penance, Imperial Jade, In Sanity, Isenordal, Jade, Krater, Kublai Khan, Lord Mantis, Lost Society, Magic Kingdom, Maladie, Mass Worship, Mayhem, Metalite, Milking The Goatmachine, Mir zur Feier, Misery Loves Co., Mosaic, Nile, Norma Jean, Novembers Doom, Offdrykkja, Parental Advisory, Pénitence Onirique, Phil Campbell, Psychopunch, Ragnarok, Red Death, Reincarnage, Rottendawn, Santa Cruz, Schammasch, Søren Andersen, Strigoi, Suidakra, Sun Of The Dying, Tchornobog/Drown/Aureole, The Deathtrip, The Devil Wars Prada, The End A.D., Thousand Below, Turbokill, Une Misère, Uzziel, Vacivus, Vampyromorpha, Velvet Viper, Violation Wound, Warsenal, Wolf Yaw, Year Of The Cobra