Morgen erscheint mit „Scandinavian Pain“ das Debütalbum (nach drei EPs) der dänischen Doomster via Napalm Records. Falls ihr noch nicht so recht wisst, was ihr von KATLA zu erwarten habt, sorgt eine weitere Auskopplung für Aufklärung.
KATLA kommentieren das neue Album: „“Scandinavian Pain“ is an album about the shame of feeling depressed in a country that in many ways seems to be out of any misery or control of others. The inherent feeling of guilt, the despondent thoughts. The weight of cultural Christianity and being part of a system that is destroying both ours and other lives. It’s about watching the newest season of whatever decadent TV show is on while children are being murdered daily. All the songs are different, yet similar. This time, there’s an affirmation for you, who might need it, a story telling, a short grindy track, something with a blast beat, but of course also heavy sludgy doom. Welcome to the house of pain.”
Foto: Nikolaj Bransholm