Am 6. Juni erscheint mit „Braiding The Stories“ das neue Album von GAAHLS WYRD via Season Of Mist. Einen ersten Eindruck gibt es jetzt bereits mit dem gut achtminütigen Titeltrack.
Gaahl kommentiert das neue Album: “Musically, it’s unique. It’s not necessarily connected to „GastiR“ and „The Humming Mountain“. Those albums are connected to very earthly elements, the natural flow of things. This album is another dimension—behind the veil, if you will. I remember I wanted to release ‘And the Now’ as the first single, but there’s probably too much information to be the first track out. Throughout this album, I use a lot of different voices, and I’ve thought a lot about how all these different characters fit [into the music]. So, I wanted the listener to fall into the album, not be distracted, and I think I’ve accomplished that. It’s cinematic.”
Foto: Jorn Veberg