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Ihr letztes Album „Mirage“ hat nun auch schon zwei Jahre auf dem Buckel, aber jetzt lassen GAEREA mit einer neuen Standalone-Single via Season Of Mist von sich hören, die ihr euch hier in Clipform reinziehen könnt.



Das begleitende Statement lassen wir doch einfach mal so stehen: "World Ablaze" tells the story of a man who has lived all his life inside a cage. He knows that one day he will be set free and experience the world with its true colors. Unfortunately, he also knows that day will be his last hours alive. It's a song about desire, hope and freedom. A dance between life and death, hope and despair. An emotional gateway to a dark black metal scene, a guide to salvation, pain, despair and letting go. Moving up, into the blackness that is above. GAEREA is the answer, the only answer.