Die Regie für den Clip führte Dennis Dirksen.
Gitarrist/Sänger Hanno Klänhardt kommentiert das neue Album, auf dem er sogar Klargesang einsetzt: „I tried to tweak the guitar sound more according to each individual song and its respective mood. We tried to steer away from ‘metal sound’ standards and more in a direction where you can hear different nuances in sound. I don’t mean to be disrespectful, but we never were a part of any scene, therefore we don’t ‘owe’ a certain sound to anyone.”
Zu der neuen Single hat er zu vermelden: "‘Odysseus’ is about letting go, about a never-ending journey, about the feeling of never arriving, of being lost and doomed to live life in circles, and about the precious value of sleep.”
Foto: Matthis Van Der Meulen