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Die Zahlung von 15.000 Zloty Strafe und Gerichtskosten von 3.500 Zloty hätten dann offenbar alle religiösen Gefühle wieder hergestellt. Nergal legte jedoch Berufung ein und bekam nun mit dem Argument recht, dass das Foto auf seinem Account ja nur von gewissen Personenkreisen gesehen wird und wer sich nicht daran stören möchte, es einfach nicht anzuschauen braucht.

Nergal selbst kommentiert die fallen gelassene Klage auf https://www.facebook.com/officialnergal folgendermaßen: "Case DISMISSED. There's NOTHING controversial about the jury's verdict so fuckin' DEAL with it. AFTER ALL we live in civilized and democratic country… still. Common sense beats the shit out of fundamentalist agenda which means on more step towards Poland remaining a secular state! Moreover, I know it's like talking to the wall but to all my adversaries: dont't give me that 'do the same with Koran' bullshit coz it's old and irrelevant. I keep on spamming here coz I simply LOVE polarization between half of u dear followers congratulating me for the battle won and the other half… that would love see me crucifucked".

Nergal war schon mehrmals im Kreuzfeuer der polnischen Konservativen, gegenüber der Irish Times äußerte er in einem Interview: "I don't think the public know the details of the level of harassment I have been through," he said. "It is getting monstrous, and it is a growing tide of censorship and harassment. Every few weeks, I have to check myself in at the police and go for different hearings and spend a fortune on lawyers with all the costs around court cases. I am being the perfect target. The Polish authorities just pick on me. It is not a secret that a prosecution officer has me as his favorite scapegoat. He follows my Instagram account. Can you imagine that? It's insane and absolutely unprecedented."